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Museum Alliance Professional Development Conversation

Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Time: 12 noon Pacific (3:00 pm Eastern)
Leader:  Amelia Chapman

Topic: Next Generation Science Standards: Don’t Be Scared!


Including engineering practices in science teaching is uncharted territory for many. However, daily operations at JPL integrate science and engineering practices as habits of mind that enable cutting-edge solar system exploration. In this talk, learn the basics of the Next Generation Science Standards science and engineering practices, and learn about new resources the JPL STEM Elementary and Secondary Education team has produced to help you and educators in your workshops to incorporate engineering into everyday teaching.


Ota Lutz is a senior education specialist for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA.  Dr. Lutz earned a B.A. in Mathematics, an M.A. in Teaching and Learning, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science.  Dr. Lutz taught high school mathematics for eleven years before joining the NASA education team.  Before joining the JPL team, Dr. Lutz worked as an Aerospace Education Specialist at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center and NASA Johnson Space Center. Dr. Lutz is interested in inspiring students to become lifelong learners of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 

Training Materials:

On the day of the telecon, training materials will be located on the NASA Nationwide website.

Solar System Ambassadors may now access NASA Nationwide directly from the SSA website after log-in:  https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/ssa/home.cfm

Once logged in to SSA, click the “NASA Nationwide” button on the left-hand side and you’ll be transferred automatically.

An archive of this training will be available on the NASA Nationwide website under “Training Archives” about a week following the webcast.

This professional development telecon is intended to prepare you for your upcoming presentations and events.  It is NOT to be shared LIVE in classrooms, museums or other venues.   Do NOT share the telecon call-in information (phone number, passcode, etc) with others, and do NOT TWEET OR BLOG what’s being discussed in real time.  Telecons are a time for YOU to become familiar with mission information BEFORE conducting your events.  

1.      When the telecon begins, please mute your phone while the speaker is talking.
2.      If your phone doesn’t have a “mute” button, your phone may be muted by pressing “*6” (star six).
3.      The “*6” feature is a toggle; your phone may be unmuted for questions by pressing “*6” again.
4.      For technical problems encountered during the training, pressing “*0” (star zero) will signal the operator who can temporarily remove you from the telecon “room” to resolve the issue.
5.      If entering the telecon after the recording has begun, please enter SILENTLY and do not announce your name as the recording will have already begun.
6.      DO NOT place your phone on “hold” if music is played while the hold button is engaged, as the music will be heard by telecon listeners and will be disruptive to the speaker.

Kay Ferrari, Coordinator
NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassadors Program
NASA Nationwide Consortium

For those who aren’t members, please suggest they become members by visiting ”Join our Community” at  https://informal.jpl.nasa.gov/museum/