Celebrating 60 Years of Space Exploration
In the summer of 2019, 16,000 libraries across the country celebrated space exploration in their summer reading programs. The slogan “A Universe of Stories” was chosen by library professionals to help inspire children of all ages to dream big, believe in themselves, and create their own story. The Collaborative Summer Library Program and STAR Net partnered to share STEM resources with these libraries.
The 2019 summer learning program coincided with NASA’s 60 years of achievement and its celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.

Registration for STAR Net’s 2019 Summer of Space
Libraries who were interested in getting important news and resources for their 2019 Summer Learning Program, registered their library to qualify for the benefits listed below.
– A monthly newsletter curated with valuable resources and opportunities
– Library representation on STAR Net‘s “Summer of Space” Map (see below)
– Automatic entry for chance to win 1 of 2 FREE Orion StarBlast Telescopes
– 2000 NASA tactile books (Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters) distributed
– 800 Scholastic science books (Luciana Vega and others) distributed
Participating Libraries
STAR Net has developed a “Summer of Space” map that shows where registered libraries, serving as centers of space science learning for their communities, are located across the nation. This map will serve as an important resource for libraries to collaborate with each other and for STEM partners to find libraries with which they can collaborate. Click here to view the interactive map.
Thank you to the 4800+ libraries that have registered to participate in STAR Net‘s 2019 Summer of Space!
Summer Reading Champions
To help inspire children to reach their full potential we have asked leaders in space exploration and Erin Teagen (author of the Luciana Vega series) to be Summer Reading Champions. Each Champion recorded a short HD video introducing themselves, what they do and how libraries have inspired them.
The videos can be used by libraries to help promote their summer programs, including on social media, and used to inspire learners of all ages at events and in classrooms. They are intended to be used by library staff to help encourage children to participate in summer learning programs and are a wonderful complement to hands-on science and engineering activities such as our Universe of Stories collection.
Programming Resources
Below we have assembled a collection of resources that include collaboration opportunities, printable materials, promotional materials, inspirational items and many other resources that your library can utilize to make your 2019 Summer Learning Program a great success. Don’t forget to take advantage of STAR Net‘s Universe of Stories Collection on our STEM Activity Clearinghouse.