13:04:26 From Anne Holland : 🐳🐬👽 13:04:37 From Imani Malaika-Mehta to Hosts and panelists : Please repost the link for teaching resources. Thanks 13:04:54 From Stephanie Vierow-Fields : OMG that's the best! 13:07:25 From Jude Schanzer : Hi, 13:08:22 From Jude Schanzer : This s Jude. I cannot copy the link out of the chat. I have always been able to do that. Can you make it possible, please? 13:09:39 From Claire Ratcliffe Adams : Hello Jude, I believe you should be able to click directly into the link. Let me know if that doesn't work 13:11:25 From Jude Schanzer : Thank you 13:17:43 From Christine Shupla : 35 Kelvin is negative 460 F! 13:17:48 From Imani Malaika-Mehta to Hosts and panelists : Please repost the link. Thanks 13:18:19 From Claire Ratcliffe Adams : Here is this webinar's Link Bank: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/resource-list-our-blue-planet-earth/ 13:22:13 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : What future exploration of ocean worlds is currently in planning stages? 13:22:53 From Julie Rasmussen : So there is no way of knowing at this time if these oceans are composed of hydrogen and oxygen or if it is some other form of liquid? 13:24:00 From Julie Rasmussen : Ok, that answered my question! 13:25:21 From Beatrice Chavez : Webinar Link Bank: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/resource-list-our-blue-planet-earth/ 13:26:27 From Justin Mueller : Very interesting topic! My question is: Are there any practical plans to use this information? Such as transporting the water/ice from some of these ocean planets back to Earth, since water continues to become more and more scarce? 13:28:47 From Imani Malaika-Mehta to Hosts and panelists : Which of these seas have a molten core like Earth has? Do all have rocky cores? 13:29:24 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : is there a rough timeline for Europa Clipper and the Titon mission? 13:32:47 From Paul Schenk to Hosts and panelists : Clipper lauschiges in 2023-24 and arrives in 2030 (or so, im not sure the exact date but close to that) 13:33:39 From Paul Schenk to Hosts and panelists : Titan mission - dragonfly- arrives in the mid 2030s but exact date depends on the final launch date 13:33:55 From Claire Ratcliffe Adams to Paul Schenk(Direct Message) : Thanks, Paul! Can you send that again to "everyone" - it currently just went to hosts and panelists in the chat 13:34:39 From Paul Schenk : Clipper launches in 2023-24 and arrives in 2030 (or so, im not sure the exact date but close to that) 13:34:47 From Paul Schenk : Titan mission - dragonfly- arrives in the mid 2030s but exact date depends on the final launch date 13:35:16 From Paul Schenk : we do not know if any have molten cores. there is work ongoing to calculate whether they have molten cores. it is possible in several cases. all have rocky cores, some of which may have water chemically bound in the minerals. 13:36:07 From Paul Schenk : The nasa websites for each mission (Europa Clipper & Dragonfly) usually updates with most current information 13:37:05 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : Thank you so much, Dr. Schenk 13:40:23 From Beatrice Chavez : This webinar's Link Bank: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/resource-list-our-blue-planet-earth/ 13:43:08 From Anne Holland : Heh heh 13:43:08 From Imani Malaika-Mehta : OMG - LOL 13:43:57 From Peter Falcon to Hosts and panelists : What a great name! OMG Oh My God Greenland’s melting 13:45:12 From Peter Falcon : What a great name! OMG “Oh My God" Greenland's melting. 13:45:56 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : Scientists have the best jokes.... other than librarians ;) 13:48:37 From Julie Rasmussen : Isn't there a great deal of geothermal activity in Greenland? 13:49:49 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : Do the channels also contribute more surface area to be warmed by water and cause greater melt? 13:49:56 From Deborah Fader Samson : Wow. Very cool. thank you! 13:50:10 From Beatrice Chavez : Certificate of attendance: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/2020/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/STARNet-Webinar-Certificate-032322.pdf 13:50:22 From Peter Falcon : Awesome photos! What's next now that OMG mission is over? 13:52:25 From Justin Mueller : What are some ways we can mitigate our contributions to the problem? Is there any way in being proactive in helping to form a solution? 13:52:48 From Paul Schenk to Hosts and panelists : That seafloor topography is very interesting 13:52:51 From Julie Rasmussen : Plant a tree 13:53:06 From Celene Thomas : Look up #TeamTrees 13:53:22 From Jessica Santascoy : What's it like to camp in Greenland in the summer and how cold does it get? 13:53:24 From Lea Chisum-Chaffee : are there polar bears in Greenland? are you seeing impact on habitat? 13:53:39 From Beatrice Chavez : This webinar's Link Bank: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/resource-list-our-blue-planet-earth/ 13:56:34 From Susan Borders : thank you for all the info 13:56:36 From Jessica Santascoy : Thank you so much! 13:56:38 From M Rodriguez : Thank you, this was great! 13:56:39 From Jennifer Dye : Thank you! 13:56:44 From Deborah Fader Samson : Thank you! 13:56:48 From Sara Rachels : Thank you!! This was so interesting! 13:56:49 From Terra McLeod : Thank you! 13:56:50 From Donald Adair to Hosts and panelists : Thank you! 13:56:51 From Celene Thomas : Thank you all for taking time out of your busy days for us! 13:56:52 From Christina Whorl : Thank you 13:56:59 From BARBARA GUMULAK : Thank you! Very educational. 13:57:02 From Jude Schanzer : Thank you. so fascinating. 13:57:04 From Debbie Montfleury : Thank you!! 13:57:05 From Phyllis Kanekuni : Great session, thank you! 13:57:07 From Melissa White : Thank you for hosting!! 13:57:08 From Peter Falcon : Thank you to the two speakers, awesome! 🙂 13:57:09 From Christine Shupla : Thanks, all! Thank you Dr. Wood and Dr. Schenk for your time and presentations! 13:57:11 From Cynthia Hunt : Thanks, everyone! 13:57:19 From Ann Larson : Thank you!